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Citizens Can Festival 2011

Art About Human Rights


The Citizens Can Festival (Haezrach Kan) is human rights art festival and was established four years ago by the Karov Theatre to coincide annually with International Human Rights Day. The festival is located in Tel Aviv's Central Bus Station, one of the most deprived areas of the city.

In 2011 I curated the photography exhibition ONE, revealing the force of togetherness via a collection of works by four artists who documenting social protests and revolutions in Israel and Egypt. Following this exhibition I curated in 2012 the personal exhibition PERSPECTIVE, which focuses on the individual within the society. ONE and PERSPECTIVE together show the force of people united versus that of the individual self, voice and experience.



 Within our lives, we work, we study, we eat, we breath. We abide by the law, we learn to live inside frameworks, to color within the lines. We follow routine and accept the mastery of forces bigger than us.

All too rare are the moments, particularly in the Middle East, in which we allow ourselves to break the frames, step out, think and act together with belief for a better present and future. Within its frames, ONE depicts people "outside the frame" and tries to capture a hope for, and an attempt at change.






Participating artists :


Asaf Brenner – Photographer
Graduated from photography collage Kiryat Ono, interns in documentary photography.


Samuel Vengrinovich - Photographer
Originally from San Francisco, now lives in Jaffa and documents society changes throughout the Middle East. Studied international relations, diplomacy and the Middle East conflict.


Jonathan Marx – Video director and editor

Works in media productions

© By Erika Linor Kutzuk 2014

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